It's hard to imagine that little ol'Massachusetts would experience a tornado, earthquake, hurricane and nor'easter all within a span of 4 month time frame but we did. I wonder what is going on with the weather patterns. I wonder why mother Earth is so furious. Why are the vibrations in the Earth are changing so quickly. Perhaps we need to look beyond ourselves and take a look at the poor habits that we ourselves have developed and embraced. The genetically modified foods created in labs we unknowingly consume, the convenience of finding fresh fruits and vegetables at the supermarket in any season, fast food, consuming meats and dairy, negating nuts and berries, pumping our bodies full of supplements and vitamins and fueled by energy drinks we spin aimlessly, meaninglessly out of control.
When our children can not identify things such as eggplant, potatoes, tomatoes and carrots it becomes apparently obvious that we have strayed too far from our basic human needs. When children do not recognize that french fries come from potatoes there is a problem that we need to examine.
With all the damage that has been done to the land around me it is hard not to think about basic survival. About gardening, animals, habitats, water and our food source. The most recent disaster that hit us was the freak Nor'easter on October 29th. We had about 8 inches on snow and lost our electricity for 6 days and nights. Luckily enough we have 2 fireplaces in our house and had a cord of wood delivered the week before. We brought the air mattress into the cellar and placed it in front of the fireplace, so we had heat and were warm. We brought the camping stove inside and were able to make tea, soup and I even managed to whip up some homemade fish and chips. There was no TV, no radio, no distractions. Nothing to take our minds off the very essence of our being. A time for reflection. A time of peace.
We had running water but no hot water. Our toilets flushed which was more than what some people in the neighborhood had. We were able to take showers at our friends house & at the gym. I was worried about one thing. Keeping our food fresh and cold. On day 2 of the blackout Brian was able to get a small generator to run the fridge which brough me relief. By day 3 he had found another generator which helped to run a small space heater and a light. I felt like I was living in the lap of luxury. By day 4 I charged my laptop and we were able to watch a DVD-Avitar- that night in the basement on the rolly polly airmatress with the crackling sounds of the fire in the background and the flickering of candlelight surrounding us. It wasn't all that bad. Brian and I had time to talk, laugh and survive the darkness together. I think we may have even found a new level of respect for one another and our ability to keep calm and even thrive in such a vicarious situation.
By day 5 I picked up a bottle of wine on my way home and I shared it. Did you hear that? I said, I shared it!!! By day 6 Brian was getting restless and that evening the power came back on. I think he felt compelled to run around the house like a child and turn on every light switch in the house. We went down to the Admirals to celebrate. There we were introduced to fellas from Puerto Rico, Jamaica and Antigua who were in town to help with restoration efforts. We sang together, danced, celebrated and even met the evil Dr. Jagermeister! We all had fun~IMAGINE that!!!!